Information about the 2022 reorganization
Astronomy research and education has been a part of the Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics (ATP) since its formation back in 2010. Back then the intention was that ATP would be a temporary organizational form, and that it would merge with the Department of Physics within three years. The planned merger never happened and over a decade later, Lund University still had its physics subjects split between the two departments. This was commented on in the Lund University's research quality evaluation 2020, where it says "The decentralization has some benefits, but if physics and astronomy shall remain internationally visible (and in some cases leading) during the next decades, a reorganization is recommended."
During the fall of 2022 the Faculty of Science worked to reorganize the physics research units. Most researchers then working within the Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics changed their affiliation to the Department of Physics on January 1st, 2023, while some were to be affiliated with other departments. Computational Biology and Biological Physics (CBBP) joined The Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC).
ATP and the Department of Physics already had a very close collaboration when it came to education, and all efforts were made to make sure the reorganization did not affect the students. Courses continued as planned and all students accepted to a particular programme were able to continue and complete their programmes as planned.
As of January 1st 2024 the Division of Astrophysics was relocated from the astronomy building (Sölvegatan 27) to the A400 corridor in the physics building.
Link to RQ20: RQ20 – Lund University's Research Quality Evaluation Project 2020